Seeking Him: Experiencing Personal Revival by Nancy Leigh DeMoss

What an awesome and challenging book as it relates to flexing your Spiritual Discipline muscles, and guess what Ladies, I've been getting beat/stretched from two sources, this aforementioned devotional and Disciplines for Life which we are studying in the currently.

If you need some more tuning up in this area please go out to the bookstore or better yet go to Nancy Leigh DeMoss' website and order...THIS MATERIAL IS LIFE CHANGING. Let me know what you think.


Anonymous said…
This morning I started reading Seeking Him. I wasn’t able to get too far into it yet. My hour of devotional time goes by so fast. However, I did have a question about one passage in the “going deeper in the word” section. Ezra 10:1-12 speaks about how the Israelites were unfaithful to God because they married foreign women. What is meant by the term foreign women? Is it foreign in present day sense, women from different places and nationalities? Or is it women that they weren’t familiar with enough to marry?
Thymelygrace said…
The word "foreign" does mean as it does now in present day. Remeber the during this period were dwelling not in there nations of orgin they had travelled and resettled because of various reasons, in the book of Ezra we are dealing with the remnant that God spared from the Baylonian captivity. So If you go back to Chap. 1 you'll see that Cyrus king of Persia was commissioned by God to rebuilt the temple of the most high God. So the people of Israel were heading to Jerusalem and in route the settled some and took on "foreign" women. Also scripture, calls us to be evenly yokes in relationships (platonic or intimate).

Primarily in marriage.
The Lord requires us to make sure in present day that we carefully put his criteria into clear view as we meet and get personal with others. Think for a moment, how crazy it if we are dealing with a person who does not worship your God; who does not believe as you do, that individual could lead you away from the Lord. Which happenned quite a bit in scripture. The children of Israel would intermarry the women of the land they were resettling in/passing through. Women/people who often idol worshippers and not of the same mindset.
Hopefully this answered your question.
Anonymous said…
Yes, this does answer my question. Thanks for the clarification.

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