“Use The Scissors”
As a mother of a nice size family beginning in the late 60’s through the early 80’s, I always wanted them to look their best. In order to have the best during those days, having the finances to do that sometimes were hard; so I decided to use my junior high school skills of making my cooking class apron and began to sew for my entire family. This turned into therapy for me as a working mother. I would cut out my patterns on Monday evenings after putting the children (all five of them) to bed and would sew on Tuesdays…sometimes into the wee hours of the morning. Holidays, school plays, special events became the catalyst for my skills improving to the point of my even making my husband clothes. Oh yes, my husband, my covering, my hunter, provider, lover and friend.

Now after mentioning all of the characteristics of my husband, through the years sometimes he seemed to be my worst enemy, disappointment and frustration. Years came and went with many events/situations causing those emotions to grow like cancer. After being married now for 37 years and in our mid 50’s, I now have learned the true reason why we must learn to forgive and forget in order for restoration with new beginnings to become demonstrated in our lives. First, we cannot have a true loving relationship with our dear Father God and definitely with that relationship lacking all others will suffer in suit. It is so important in our marriages/relationships to have good communication between each other and demonstrate the “power of agreement” (even if it is agreement to disagree). Many times in communicating it is worth tabling some issues and come back to it. If I had known what I know now in the gift of forgiving I could have avoided many health issues. If our mind is not the ‘mind of Christ” and our thinking is not “whatsoever is good, lovely, pure”...what are we thinking?

Now we as women, Christian women, God has graced us with many talents, skills and strength that men do not have. We function in our roles of wife, mother, sister, friend, church worker, career woman or an anointed stay at home Mom in our demonstrated gifts. Now I have learned the greatest thing we can demonstrate as a pre-requisite to forgiving and restoration is displaying the “Fruits of the Spirit”

Ladies…use the scissors of love and cut out the hurt, the pain, those snags, hanging threads of destruction and allow our Savior through the Holy Spirit to do His job of renewing our mind and leading us into all paths of truth with the name brand thread of “Behold I will Do a New Thing”.

Foundation scriptures: As much as lies within you be at peace with all men.
Love ye one another as I have loved you. How can you love God who you cannot see and yet you see your brother…how can two walk together unless they agree….how can you tell one person to take the beam out of their eye...when you have one yourself?

Standing on His promises…walking with my scissors


Anonymous said…
This was great Momma Gold! (:->
Anonymous said…
Thank you for your words of encouragement. Your testimony is definitely evident in your life and a true witness for me and my spouse. Although we are a young couple, we have encountered a lot and forgiveness, restoration, and a new beginning is God's plan. No, it's not always easy, but it is a catalyst for greater things... Greater is He that is within me, than he that is in the world!!

Thymelygrace said…
This is such a rich and encouraging testimony of God's faitfulness and grace in your life. It also supports and reminds us of how God calls us all to forgiveness, even of the worst of sins others commit against us....why, because he has FORGIVEN us MUCH!! Praise God for Forgiveness and RECONCILIATION two (2) of the great jewels of the CROSS. When Christ became our sin offering on Calvery he instantly FORGAVE and RECONCILED us to our Father. Sisters,visitors to our blog, please make a bold stand take out your scissors of Love and begin to cut PRIDE first, for it is ultimately the sin that hinders FORGIVENESS and RECONCILIATION (we think we have a right to being the judge, a right to being angry) then cut hate, unforgivenss, resentment, and anger. Love you all and Elder G...this the time for a new bloom in ministry.
Anonymous said…
It’s amazing how many different situations the act of forgiveness extends to. Pretty much anyone that you interact with on a consistent basis will need the power of forgiveness form you at some point. I agree with the statements made by the guest speaker that forgiveness releases us from anger, pain and so much more. In addition, there will be times when people will need to extend forgiveness to us for our wrongs against them. I must admit the struggles I have with forgiveness is when a person continues to do the same wrongs against you knowing that you will just forgive them in the end. However, I’ve learned that I can only be responsible for me and my actions. God has called us to forgive just like He has forgiven us. So no matter how many times I have to do it or how much I many not like it at the time, I have to forgive and in the end it ultimately helps me. I’ve heard that there are two parts to forgiveness 1) I’m not going to bring it up again and 2) your not going to do it again/try your best not to do it again.
Anonymous said…
This is great. You are truly an inspiration to many, especially me. I commend you for all you have done and gone through, you hung in there, but look at you now, "Glory to God." The making of a REAL Christian Woman, that's what it took to get you where you are today. It was instilled in you and you are instilling it in us. We hear you, you may not think we are listening, but we are. Thank you for just being you, my aunt, mother, mentor, and friend.
Anonymous said…
I like this a lot,is a lesson that sometimes I forget, I will try my best to use my scissors in order to grow. Thanks Mom G


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