As a reminder, and to keep us thinking along the lines of Chapter 6:CONFESSIONS THE DOORWAY TO LIFE, an assignment we issued last meeting was for us all to make a short list of at least five (5) people we can call on to pray for us, confess sin to and encourage us in the way and Word of GOD.

Here are some helpful prompts:

What's the value of confessing something to others that we have already confessed to God ?

Who do you confess sin to? (Without fear of judgement)

Do you have a need to confess?

Meditate on Psalm 32. Does this make you eager to practice the spirtual discipline of confession?

"The discipline of confession brings an end to pretense. God is calling into being a church that can openly confess its frail humanity and know the forgiving and empowering graces of Christ. Honesty leads to confession, and confession leads to change."----Richard Foster


Anonymous said…

I was asked to checkout the Blog Speaker who I know very well and I enjoyed the entire Website and information. Congratulations on impacting a community of local women as well and global. It's marvelous in God's site. Women definitely need a place where they can be transparent and not judged, But held up in Prayer. Prayer definitely reaches places we can't.

Praying for your Ministry.

Keeya Faison.

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