Do you have a veracious Appetite for God? Ps. 42:1-2

DO you long after/pant for the Lord like a deep in a dry and thristy land?

What's your Appetite for God?

Our reading of Chapter 8 : An Appetite for God, in the workbook Disciplines for Life happens to be the last in this series of study. Ladies, let me encourage you to keep this as a companion on your Christian walk. No matter where you find yourself on this must always keep your Spiritual Disciplines sharp, alert and ready to disarm the forces of hell. Many of us are losing the fight because we lack the passion and drive to remind the enemy that he's defeated!.

Do you want Revival in your walk with the Lord? in your Marriage? for you Children? on the Job? in your Church?

Well , take this challenge...IT can only happen in your Life if it begins with you! Too often we are waiting for a hand out of heaven to touch us, our situation and when it does be get stagnant, we blame God and others...enough is enough!
Revival must first begin in your starts by getting back to your first love, sitting like Mary at the feet of our Savior and desiring the better thing: Christ; losing yourself in worship;igniting the flames of prayer and intercession and watching God move.


Anonymous said…
HI Im finally on the blog!
Thymelygrace said…
Hello Tish welcome to the blog.
Thymelygrace said…
Tisha, you'll get the hang of it. But in the meantime meditate on all the truths you can find as a source of strength. Also don't forget to read the Disciplines for Life, especially Chapter 8, this can be a source of living water during this season. May the Lord meet you as you seek HIM fervently.
Anonymous said…
This is so true. Sometimes we just get stagnant in our daily christian lives. Keeping a prayer journal can help us to remember past answered prayers and give us some revival. But sometimes it just takes for us to reaquaint ourselves with out first love by stopping to think about how good he has been. He does despite the the fact that we don't deserve it, He loves us that much. That is enough to get you going!!!
Thymelygrace said…
What a great topic this was for us study and be reminded of. What a refreshing feeling and a snese of peace that is felt when we bask in the sweet waters of the living God. David, said it perfectly, my solu pants after thee like a deerin a dry and thirsty land. I can attest that when I am feeling thirsty spiritually my only relief is to plunge head on into the living, active oasis of the WORD. Oh! what sweet pleasures; what new perspective; what care, what direction and often what challenge. Our God is faithful to meet us and to replenship those who love him and put Him first. Are you thirsty? Well, drink dear friends from the well that never runs dry.

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