Are you getting Alone with God?

Ladies we just finished reading Chapter 7, SOLITUDE:GETTING ALONE WITH GOD, from DISCIPLINES FOR LIFE by CJ Mahaney and John Loftness (we will always need to keep this one close at hand to re-read). What powerful and encouraging points to be gleaned.

I loved this quote by A.Z Tozer- -"It is important that we get still to wait on God. And it is best we get alone, preferably with our Bible outspread before us. Then if we will we may draw near to God and begin to hear HIM speak to us in our hearts."

Choose one of the following questions and comment below:

  1. Meditate on Prov.16:3 What is involved in committing our plans to the Lord? Do you submit decisions to him for his "rubber stamp" approval or do you let him lead you to a decision?

  2. If you were locked in solitary confinement for a month, what would you do to maintain your sanity?

  3. Meditate on James 1:5-8 What promise motivates us to seek God's wisdom? What is the prerequisite.

Next : Chapter 8-An Appetite For God


Anonymous said…
If I were locked in solitary confinement for a month, what would I do to maintain my sanity? Sleep, it would be refreshing not to have a little foot or knee poking me in my back or a leg over my face. LOL. Seriously, if allowed I would take two things a flash light and my Bible. Taking the time to be alone with Him. I would study there would be no excuses why I couldn't "Study to show thyself approved unto God". As a child my favorite thing was to day dream, I don't think we do enough of that as adults. I would fantasize about the things God would have for my life upon return to the general population. For example, if we take 20 minutes to meditate on the Word of God, take 2 minutes to create dreams and establish our purpose in God's Kingdom. As grown ups we forget how to depend on God for the obvious things, like our sanity. Wouldn't it be great to use this example of returning to society with your mind intact and even being refreshed? Wouldn't that confound the enemy, and it would be an excellent testimony of God's Grace. We should be mindful that as believers our commission is to proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ, imagine fantasizing about being a witness for Christ, where in the past you were to shy to even say grace public. God has created each of us perfectly including our minds. Did you know that our subconscious doesn't know the difference between fantasy and reality? How powerful would we be if I just concentrated on Him, and got out of our own way?
Lynda Mcclary
Anonymous said…
After tuesday's meeting more and more it is evident that I am in constant need of time with the Lord Lord forgive me, I am so prone to wander and leave my first love. When, I wander I am so thirsty and unfulfilled; I feel so fatigue, Lord by you spirit help me to be more in love with you and your word.

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