Thoughts from my Journal: Journeying to Being Virtuous

There are many things in life
That we cannot understand
But we must trust God's judgement
And be guided by HIS hand.
---------Helen Steiner Rice

The Lord is a stronghold to him whose way is upright. Proverbs 10:29

Today, let the direction of your life be guided by God's hand.

Ladies, I constantly need your prayers, after all we are commanded to constantly and consistently pray for the saints. NO! there is no crisis or emergency..praise the Lord, BUT nonetheless, I always (without fear of man or shame) desire to be prayed for ,I am confident in knowing that the saints and virtuous women I surround my self with are fervently in prayer for their families and friends. Beloved, we cannot stand alone!In times like these we need to, and eagerly build our lives on the firm foundation of Christ, the Word, and the wonderful fellowship of saints the Spirit of God has enriched our lives with. Isn't God gracious to provide us with physical hands, ears and hearts that represent him to comfort and encourage one another. I have been truly blessed by each and every one of you in that manner. Your love, guidance, reproof, care and encouragement has been the one of the foundational beams in my life (1st: Christ, 2nd :Sir Edgar Mitchell, 3rd: My family, 4th: Adopted friends/family , 5th: The Extended body of Christ).

REMEMBER, the battle is on (this is not to be cliche or scare tactic, but we/our families and friends are in a war. The enemy in high places, the prince of this world is waging his best fight...for he knows the end is near) So, please don't be caught off guard, or not watching and praying. Jesus , when the hour had come,( in the Garden of Gethsemane) feeling the wait his call commanded the disciples to stay and pray. As a matter of fact he ask them to watch and pray for an hour. And three times they were found sleeping. He said watch and pray that you may not be tempted...Because they slept look what ensued, one cut off a solider's ear Peter fled and later denies him three times. See Matthew 26:35-75.

How powerful, the temptation to desert our posts (being a good servant, wife, mother, loyal, honest, humble, a good friend etc...) are always eminent, but if we abide in him and his word in us/WATCH and PRAY we will have the victory.

Pray for me in this way:
My desire to dedicate myself and direction particularly fasting and praying on Tuesdays glorify God and produce kingdom fruit
My pride and ambitions
My continual pursuit of God's Will
My Submission to the Kingdom of God and His Reign in my life
My discipline in the Word
My discipline and continual alignment with my husbands Vision and God's Plan for His life

Let be according to your will O' Lord. You are my help and Redeemer. Amen.

I love you all, and do know with confidence that I am praying the same for you (as relative as it may be for your particular season of life). My prayer is that you bloom the precious fruit that the Lord intends for your Life and family.

Love Dannet.


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