Prayer and Praise |James 5:16 "The prayer of a righteous person has great power as it is working."


Leave GENERAL PRAYER REQUESTS here for us to pray for you.

Send personal and more specific case-sensitive messages to


Don't forget to return here to POST in the COMMENTS on what, and how the Lord has answered the fervent prayers of the saints on your behalf. 


 "Let the Redeemed of the Lord say so." Ps. 107: 2


Thymelygrace said…
December-January 2007 J. J: Boldness to pursue and proclaim the Gospel in her community and sphere of influence. L. Mc.: Mom's strength and God's grace as she journey through the loss of her husband. J.W: God mother's son was diagnosed with colon cancer. Let's pray for God's grace and their sustained strength through this process . A.W : Dad's health and that his heart will be stirred to be obedient to the need for proper treatment. C.H: Transitioning through a season of separation for her mate and will be faced with issues of housing, transportation etc.. DM: Christine Ellis and Carmen Schultz , Phillip Simmons Jr. who just lost their dad. General Concerns: All those who we have and will continue to pursue regarding fellowship. We remember Tina, Lois, Lora, Kelli, Karen, Rochelle, Charmaine, Dawn, the 3700 block of Lankenau Rd
Thymelygrace said…
February 2007 2/27:
We are praying for our individual desire to Treasure the Lord as we should in response to HIS faithfulness and love towards us. T. Bailey: That the Lord would stabilize her work schedule, allowing her to have quality time with the family and perhaps Community Circle. D. Mitchell: For revival and refreshing of mate during this season. God's continued Grace. General Prayer : J.Jones, L. McClary, L.Cherry, J.Witherspoon, K.Everett, A. Wilson. Blessing and God's Peace to each household. We pray that God's understanding and wisdom is their guide through every and all they do. DON'T for get if you have a prayer request list it in the COMMENTS link! Ladies remember to pray for the faithfulness of us all as we partner together in Community Circle. Keep all the ladies currently attending and those we have asked the Lord to send in your prayers. Remember prayer is very important in attaining and maintaining Kingdom things. In Jesus' Name Amen. Keep J. Jones and her family, primarily her sons in prayer. We ask the Lord to bring peace to J's and R's mind as they travel through this valley of unknown, we pray that the Lord's WORD is pre-eminent above chaos and drama; that the Holy spirit will cast out fear and doubt; that the strongholds of the external environments that would attempt to deceive and snatch these young men from the kingdom of God be broken and destroyed and that God's truth and love will rescue and restore all broken and breached areas of their lives. Amen! Amen!
Thymelygrace said…
March 2007 This month the prayer of concern is for the ministry of Community Circle, and all that the Lord has ordained to be accomplished during and after fellowship times. We are pray for repeat attendees; for the women who do attend that God's truth be evident and relational as they live their daily lives. Continue to pray for each other in general, but as you begin to interact with each other become more intentional and specific before the Lord for each other's concerns.
Thymelygrace said…
APRIL 2007
We believe that the fervent prayers of all the saints availeth much, this week please remember to bombard heaven on Karen's behalf (family life); Larnetta's (housing and job direction); Allyson's (family life and God's continued care and direction); Juanita's (present family circumstances; and business issues); Lynda’s (Encouragement to stay in God's will and not to fear); Tischa's (health, she was hospitalized due to Sickle Cell. As of 4/10/07 she was back in the hospital-University of Pennsylvania. Please! Please! Pray! Those we haven't heard from as of 4/10/07: Beth, Rosetta, Lois, Grace.
Thymelygrace said…
MAY 2007

So many are the afflictions of the righteous, but the Lord will deliver him from them all? Sisters in faith, our fellow laborers of Christ are experiencing all levels of trials and tests, won't you prepare yourself to pray, or re-enlist yourself amongst the intercessors? Prayer does avail much. So many of the things we are challenged with can be experienced with God's Joy, no matter the outcome if only the saints were praying in and out of season. Oh! Yes, there is a time to pray...and that time is all the time! Please get in your prayer posture /closet and pray for Healing, Restoration of Marriages, Hope and New direction for families and children, Salvation and deliverance of those lost to darkness, Pray for our governmental process and leaders (locally, nationally and internationally), Pray fervently for our school and the teachers who teach our children, Pray for the police Department who protect our city, Pray! Pray! Pray! and still pray...Pray that God’s will and power will be done and HIS kingdom Come!
Thymelygrace said…
All the below requests were dictated for monthly meetings,then listed here on behalf pf the group.
Decemeber 2006- May 2007.
Tamika said…
PRAISE REPORT! The Lord has been using W.I.F.E to hold up my arms like Aaron holding up Moses' arms when he became weak. I shared with my hubby yesterday that since I attended the Mother's Day Breakfast I have been so encouraged to pray without ceasing and seek my Fathers' face. My spiritual battery was RED and really low when I came to the breakfast, but I left with a GREEN recharged battery. Sunday morning prayer was good and I asked for some specific things re direction for my hubby in terms of his walk with Jesus and boldness in ministry. The Lord is truly working in hubby and ME! I had been praying but not tarrying. I had been praying, but letting go of the Lord before He blessed me (Jacob did not let go until the Lord blessed him). I had become real religious and ritualistic in my prayer life. Asking but not believing. I felt like the Lord was asking Woman where is your FAITH. I was not interceding as I ought on behalf of my family (Husband and children). The encounters I had with the women of W.I.F.E. at the Mothers' Day Breakfast, Sis. Dee checking in with me every few days & praying for me, the sunday morning prayer that I called in on one time has motivated me to WORSHIP my LORD in SPIRIT and in TRUTH not in duty or obligation but out of DESIRE! Now, I want to pray because I get to Worship my DAD. Now, I expect that when I ask it will be given. I will not let go of the Lord until He blesses me. I am EXCITED again about walking with Jesus about building with my Father and KING! At this time I cannot be more personally involved with W.I.F.E., but this ministry is impacting me even in what I am able to be apart of. Dannet, thank you for obeying the Lord when He gave you the vision of W.I.F.E. and ladies that have come along side her THANK YOU.
"Therefore, my beloved brothers, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that in the Lord your labor is not in vain." I Corinthians 15:58
Anonymous said…
@Tamika: To God be the Glory!!! Amen! :-)

"Keep on loving one another as brothers and sisters." Hebrews 13:1 (NIV)

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