Ladies, let me encourage you about our discussion on 1/9/07. We had a great time of fellowship and biblical therapy as we recapped the last three (3) chapters of our book of study,  DISCIPLINES FOR LIFE: STEP TO SPIRITUAL STRENGTH by C.J Mahaney and John Loftness.

We are already on Chapter 4 of our reading material. WOW, the Lord was so gracious to remind us in the Chapter that the "The Only Thing We Need" is him, and like Mary (Luke 10: 38-40), we too should desire intimacy with God. Once we've been reconciled to God through the person and finish work of Christ, it is important that we cultivate a relationship with God by practicing the spiritual disciplines (worship, prayer, studying scripture etc.) In this, let us endeavor to imitate not Martha but Mary, who in the words of Christ chose "what is better, and it will not be taken away from her." To imitate Mary in her devotion to the Lord is to chose not only what is the better thing, but the eternal.

The spirit of the Lord then took us to "Train yourself to be Godly", my! My!...what a work out. Developing a relationship with God requires the same dynamics as any skills we seek to be proficient in. It takes:Discipline, practice and sacrifice. Most of us writes CJ, have a false sense of what it takes to develop and maintain a relationship/intimacy with the Lord...we assume intimacy God will miraculously and effortlessly evolve. Miraculously? yes in a sense, but effortlessly" ABSOLUTELY NOT! 

We must not only believe in the power of the Holy Spirit but also see the importance of our efforts: discipline, Practice, and Sacrifice.

Now that we are ready to re-commit to Discipline, Practice, and Sacrifice, let us begin with 

"Prayer:DIRECT DIAL TO HEAVEN". "When there is little awareness of real need there is little real prayer."-Donald Whitney.

 In simplest terms, we need to recognize our genuine need for the Lord and that he is our all-in-all.

Let's keep studying, sisters!!!


Thymelygrace said…
I have completed reading this chapter and my much insight and wisdom and yes, last but not least challenge as it relates to how I meditate on the Word of God. I wonder sometimes if we really recognize what power and strength that is available via the meditation on, and memorization of the God's Word. The Lord states to Joshua, in (Jos.1:8) that he should mediate on the Book of Law day and night and let it not depart from him, in doing so Joshua and the children of Israel would have prosperity and strength". The Lord continues to say, It is my desire for you to have courage and strength. That's what the Word does, it gives us courage and strength.

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